Welcome to TrackaBook

The best way to track you book promotions in real-time

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About TrackaBook

TrackaBook (Track-a-Book) is the first app on the market to be able to alert you immediately when you have new book reviews or sales. It is is aimed at authors and publishers wishing to monitor the impact of their marketing campaigns by tracking their Amazon Sales Rank wherever they are. Know right away when new sales or new reviews come in with alerts sent direct to your smartphone or iPad. Monitor all your titles on Amazon, or follow the sales of other authors in your genre.

Be the first to know when you have new book REVIEWS

available on both Apple iOS (iPhone or iPad) and Android

WebleadsB2B - A perfect theme


Interactive Charts

View your latest sales rank by sliding your finger across sales charts

Dashboard Overview

Track all your books and sales from one single dashboard overview

Sales Alerts

Instantly switch on/off alerts informing you when your Amazon Sales Rank has gone up

Review Alerts

Receive alerts instantly when a new review is posted about your book on Amazon

Book Marketing

Get best practices on how to find new readers and sales for your book

Historical Overview

View average sales results over previous days, weeks, and months.

Get started today - for free

Click on the view demo button to see a quick video demo.

Or take a further look at the following screen-shots.

Fill in the contact us form at the bottom and we'll send you the login details to get you started.


Below are just some of the many features our app has to help authors and publishers with their marketing campaigns. Our mission is to make self publishing more fun by making it easier to track the results of their promotions and find new readers.

Contact Us

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By phone or skype


conference calls:
USA +1 718 354 1176
NL +31 (0) 202013871
other countries:
+44 1296 480 180
by appointment only

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